Monday, March 3, 2008

Self Portraits

So Fro decided to try her hand at photography, specifically self-portraits. Here's a sample of her work.

The foot is sooooo amazing

???Checking for flies???
I think I just dated myself!

A close up for good measure!

Yes, it is a hand!


terramisu said...

Wow! Fro is just like my kids at taking pics. I finally got them their own kid- cameras for Christmas (or should I say Santa did). Now I don't have to spend an hour at deleting pics of the blurry oven, or Daddy's behind! Good to see that you joined the Bloggin' world! Happy Bloggin'!

I'm Amy. Or Melynne. Whatever. said...

That's hot man!! Isn't nice that we don't have to develop film anymore to see the craziness our kids come up with? Oh, and I love the title of your blog - awesome!

terramisu said...

Okay- O'm on the edge of my seat waiting for you to write something....This is gonna be good!!!